25 May 2012 Caterina Pomini 5670

Round the Western Ring Road of Elba

The western coastal road that connects Procchio to Marina di Campo is one of the most beautiful itineraries you can experience while on vacation in Tuscany; along a track of about 50 km you will have the chance to discover dream inlets, lovely villages, stunning landscapes and cliffs overhanging the sea. The best decision would be to leave on a Friday and come back on a Sunday.

The itinerary begins in Procchio, just 2 km west of the gulf stands the bathing island of Paolina, named this way because Paolina Bonaparte used to come here to bathe naked; continuing along SP25 you will arrive in Marciana Marina, where you can visit the historic Rione Cotone, a fishing village famous for its pastel-coloured buildings. The road starts to go up-hill and after 5 km you will get to Poggio, an ancient mountain village with some lovely granite-paved streets; here you can admire the little Church of S. Niccolò and a beautiful panorama from the village square. 3 km north-west of Poggio you'll find Marciana, one of the most ancient centres of the entire Island: visit the Pisan Fortress, take the cableway to the top of Monte Capanne or simply walk through the beautiful alleys enjoying the view of the Tuscan archipelago.

The next stop is S. Andrea, known for some natural granite slabs delimiting two beaches of ochre sand; jump into the limpid blue sea and take a rest on the rocks... Admire the Capraia Island and Cap Corse in the distance. Now go back to the main road and continue in the direction of Chiessi, little by little the panorama starts turning into the imitation of a lunar landscape...

Once in Pomonte you will start to get a glimpse of the unmistakable outline of Pianosa; in front of the Quartiere beach instead, you can see the Scoglio dell'Ogliera where - at a depth of 9 m - lays the relict of the Elviscott cargo.

Look for Fetovaia and Cavoli, probably the most beautiful beaches of Elba (and also the most crowded!)... If you prefer being alone, we recommend you Le Tombe instead, enlisted among the most wild black cobblestone beaches of the Island.

The last stop of our itinerary is Marina di Campo, dominated by a 12th century coastal tower erected by the Pisans; thanks to its spectacular sandy beach, the location is probably the main tourist resort of the Island. Visit the old village, have dinner on the promenade, buy something in one of the many boutiques of the main road and... if you have enjoyed... book another Tuscany tour!

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